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PRINCE2 INFORMATION (Levels Explained)

Popular project management technique PRINCE2® offers a structured strategy for managing projects worldwide; organisations of all sizes and varieties use it. There are different levels of PRINCE2® certification you can obtain as a means to demonstrate your project management expertise.

PRINCE2® Foundation is the entry-level certification. This level provides an introduction to the PRINCE2® methodology and its foundational ideas. A one-hour multiple-choice exam that gauges your comprehension of PRINCE2® topics must be passed to earn the PRINCE2® Foundation certification.

PRINCE2® Practitioner is the second level of certification. Project managers who want to prove their abilities can use the PRINCE2® approach practically and should complete this level. You must pass the PRINCE2® Foundation exam before taking the two-and-a-half-hour open-book exam that gauges your ability to apply PRINCE2® principles to actual situations if you want to earn the PRINCE2® Practitioner certification.

The framework of PRINCE2® and the adaptability of agile approaches are combined in two levels of PRINCE2® Agile certification. While the PRINCE2® Agile Foundation level covers the fundamental ideas of both the PRINCE2® and agile methodologies, the PRINCE2® Agile Practitioner level is intended for project managers who want to show that they can effectively implement the PRINCE2® Agile approach.

A clear career development and advancement path are provided by obtaining a PRINCE2® certification, which can help you improve your project management abilities and employability. It’s an excellent method to prove your dedication to professional growth and establish credibility as a knowledgeable and capable project manager.

Benefits of PRINCE2

The widely used project management technique PRINCE2® offers a structured approach to managing projects of all sizes and types. Using PRINCE2® has the following benefits:

1. Well-defined project objectives: PRINCE2® offers a framework for creating project objectives that ensure everyone working on the project knows what is expected.

2. Successful project planning: PRINCE2 methodical approach ensures that all project-related factors are considered, and potential risks are recognised and managed.

3. Managed resource use: PRINCE2® ensures that resources are used effectively and efficiently, eliminating waste and maximising value.

4. Better communication: By giving project managers a standard vocabulary and terminology, PRINCE2® enhances communication among team members, stakeholders, and clients.

5. Improved risk management: PRINCE2® offers a systematic method for identifying and managing risks, ensuring that possible concerns are addressed before they become significant.

6. Flexibility: PRINCE2® is a flexible methodology that can be adapted to fit the demands of various projects and organisations, making it appropriate for multiple projects.

7. Constant improvement: PRINCE2® highlights the value of continuously enhancing project management procedures and learning from previous projects to help businesses produce better outcomes.

Along with these advantages, PRINCE2® certification can help you advance your profession by enhancing your project management abilities and increasing your employability.

Three levels of PRINCE2 Certifications Qualifications

1.    PRINCE2® Foundation

The entry-level certification for learning PRINCE2 fundamental concepts and jargon is the PRINCE2® Foundation certification. This level is intended for those who wish to learn the fundamentals of project management or those who want to work on projects as a team.

The PRINCE2® Foundation certification test consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and lasts an hour. Since the exam is a closed-book, you cannot consult any sources. You must adequately answer at least 33 out of the 60 questions for the exam to be passed and for the PRINCE2® Foundation certification to be awarded.

What is covered by the PRINCE2® Foundation certification?

·       The PRINCE2® processes.

·       The PRINCE2® themes.

·       The PRINCE2® principles

·       Adjusting PRINCE2® for various project situations

The PRINCE2® Foundation certification has a lifetime validity and does not need to be renewed or recertified.

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This certification aims to help the applicant become a knowledgeable project management team member in a PRINCE2® setting. To achieve this objective, the candidate must comprehend this technique’s language and guiding concepts. The ideal candidate should be able to describe the seven principles, the seven themes, the seven processes, and their primary purposes and contents.

• List the management products that would go into and come out of the seven processes.

• Explicitly describe the top management products’ main goals and components.

• Outlining how a project’s procedures, deliverables, roles, and management dimensions relate.


It also benefits consultants and contract workers working in a PRINCE2® environment. This qualification is appropriate for both new and seasoned project professionals.

For workers with a defined function within a project team and accountable for working in a PRINCE2® environment, including project managers, programme managers, support staff, and team managers.


The candidate should have some project management knowledge, but there are no other formal Foundation Certification or Qualification requirements.


For those who desire to use the PRINCE2® approach on actual projects, there is the PRINCE2® Practitioner certification, the second level of PRINCE2® certification. The PRINCE2® methodology is further explored and explained in depth at the Practitioner level, which builds on the Foundation level.

You must first pass the PRINCE2® Foundation certification exam to become a PRINCE2® Practitioner. After completing the Foundation level exam, you can take the Practitioner level certification exam, a two-and-a-half-hour open-book test with 68 multiple-choice questions. You can consult your PRINCE2® manual during the exam because it is an open book.

You must successfully answer at least 38 of 68 questions on the PRINCE2® Practitioner certification exam to pass. The following topics are covered on the exam:

• Using PRINCE2® procedures, themes, and principles in project situations

• Adjusting PRINCE2® for various project situations

• Using PRINCE2® to plan and manage projects

The PRINCE2® Practitioner certification is valid for three years, following which you must pass a re-registration exam to maintain your certification.


The PRINCE2® Practitioner curriculum equips the candidate with the skills needed to

• Provide detailed explanations of all the concepts, themes, procedures, and worked examples of all PRINCE2® products as it is possible to use them to address the unique conditions of a given project situation.

• Demonstrate their knowledge of the connections between the PRINCE2® products and the concepts, themes, and processes, and be able to put that knowledge to use.

• Exhibit their knowledge of the rationale behind the PRINCE2® concepts, themes, and processes and their comprehension of the guiding principles that serve as the foundation for each of these PRINCE2® components.

• Demonstrate how they can adjust PRINCE2® to fit the needs of various project scenarios.


This qualification fits the following:

Staff members who have a specific role in a project include project managers, general managers, programme managers, team managers, and support staff.


Before taking the PRINCE2® Practitioner exam, you must have one of the following qualifications:

Project Management Professional (PMP)®, PRINCE2® Foundation, and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®

The next certification levels are available: IPMA Level A (Certified Projects Director), IPMA Level B (Certified Senior Project Manager), IPMA Level C (Certified Project Manager), and IPMA Level D. (Certified Project Management Associate)


Agile approaches are used with PRINCE2® project management to create PRINCE2® Agile. PRINCE2® Agile Foundation and PRINCE2® Agile Practitioner are the two levels of certification available.

The entry-level certification introducing the PRINCE2® and agile methodologies is called PRINCE2® Agile Foundation. This certification is intended for people who want to manage projects by combining agile and PRINCE2® methodologies.

The 50-question PRINCE2® Agile Foundation certification exam is a one-hour multiple-choice test. You must adequately answer at least 28 out of 50 questions for the test to be passed and the certification to be granted.

The second level of the PRINCE2® Agile certification, PRINCE2® Agile Practitioner, is designed for project managers who desire to use the PRINCE2® Agile approach in their daily work. You must first pass the PRINCE2® Agile Foundation certification test to become a PRINCE2® Agile Practitioner.

A two-and-a-half-hour open-book exam with 50 multiple-choice questions makes up the PRINCE2® Agile Practitioner certification test.

How is the PRINCE2® Certification or Qualification managed?

AXELOS, a partnership between the UK Government’s Cabinet Office and Capita plc, is responsible for managing PRINCE2® certification or qualification. Along with other best practice frameworks like ITIL® and MSP®, AXELOS is responsible for creating and overseeing the PRINCE2® methodology and certification programme.

AXELOS collaborates with a network of approved training organisations (ATOs) to offer PRINCE2® training and certification tests to people and businesses worldwide. AXELOS has granted these ATOs permission to conduct certification examinations and deliver PRINCE2® training programmes. To guarantee that the training and exams match the requirements, AXELOS offers advice and help to ATOs.

AXELOS routinely analyses and updates the methodology and certification requirements to ensure the PRINCE2® certification program’s continuous quality. This entails considering input from stakeholders and practitioners and reflecting on adjustments to the project management environment.

Generally speaking, AXELOS is in charge of running and maintaining the PRINCE2® certification programme. It also closely collaborates with its network of ATOs to make sure that people and businesses have access to top-notch training and certification choices.

How can I become certified in PRINCE2?

The following procedures must be taken to earn a PRINCE2® certification:

1. Choose a training organisation (ATO) that has been accredited: If you want to become PRINCE2 Certified. Then it would be best to choose a training organisation that credits your knowledge. You will receive the instruction and support required to study for the certification exam from the ATO.

2. Decide on your certification level: There are three PRINCE2® certification levels: Foundation, Practitioner, and Professional. You should select the certification level that best matches your expertise and career ambitions.

3. Take a training course: Following your ATO and certification level choice, you should sign up for a PRINCE2® training session. The training course will give you the information and abilities needed to succeed on the certification exam. Depending on the certification level, the training course’s length might range from 2 to 5 days for Foundation level certification to 5-7 days for Practitioner level certification.

4. Take the exam for certification: After finishing the training programme, you must pass the PRINCE2® certification exam. Your knowledge and comprehension of the PRINCE2® methodology, which has a multiple-choice structure, are tested on the exam. Depending on the certification level, the exam’s length and structure differ.

5. Get the certification: If you pass the certification exam, AXELOS, which oversees PRINCE2® certification, will provide you with a certificate. The certificate is only suitable for a specific amount of time, usually three to five years, after which you might need to renew it.

6. Keep the certification up to date: Every three to five years, you must renew your certification to keep your PRINCE2® certification current. This guarantees you remain current with the most recent modifications and advancements in the PRINCE2® methodology.

Selecting an ATO, attending a training session, passing the certification exam, and maintaining the certification through CPD and renewal are the overall requirements for attaining a PRINCE2® certification.


The ability to implement the PRINCE2® approach and exhibit one’s comprehension of it are both demonstrated through PRINCE2® certification, a project management credential that is widely recognised. Three certification levels—Foundation, Practitioner, and Professional—offer a structured approach to project management and aid firms in completing projects more quickly and successfully.

The PRINCE2® certification has several advantages, such as greater career chances, increased credibility, better communication, increased productivity, and improved risk management. It is crucial for project managers who wish to grow their careers and develop their abilities in project management.

You must select an approved training organisation (ATO), complete a course, pass the exam, and keep your certification current through CPD and renewal to become certified in PRINCE2®.

Overall, obtaining a PRINCE2® certification benefits project managers and businesses since it offers a widely accepted framework for project management that can help enhance project results and guarantee success.

If you want to take the best training of PRINCE2 Certification on any level, you can contact Knowledgewoods Experts!

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